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by Israel Zangwill
Without Prejudice
Israel Zangwill is an English writer and activist in the Jewish movement. The author of the famous phrase in relation to the USA is “Melting Pot”. The son of emigrants from the Polish Kingdom of the Russian Empire. He studied at the Jewish Free College in London....
Number of pages: ~ 402 pages

by Israel Zangwill
The Melting-Pot
Israel Zangville, an English writer and public figure who traveled extensively throughout the United States, in 1907 put the following words into the mouth of the protagonist of his play: “... America is the greatest melting pot created by God in which all the peoples of Europe are mixed and transformed into a single people!". The word "boiler" carries a figurative and direct meaning. Immigrants from England, Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Germany, slaves from Africa and local Indians created something new and general from their national cuisines and gastronomic preferences....
Number of pages: ~ 152 pages